Save a lot of time and money by automating your Child Performance Licencing process
Using our online system allows all the information you need to produce a licence to be entered, stored and processed in the same place safely and securely.
When a parent of a performing child, or their agents needs a new performance licence they use the website to fill out forms, supply photographs and sign the application.
The standard DfE forms are used, but optional simpler forms can used too!
When they have finished they submit their forms - and these appear on the CPLD system automatically.
Incomplete forms cannot be submitted, so there are fewer errors.
When you wish to issue the licence the system prepares if from data on the system. It can be checked and edited and published for the applicant to download from their login.
Minor changes to the licence are also requested online, and the new licence issued exactly as the first one was - automatically.
Renewals and re-issues are very convenient indeed.
We keep it safe from prying eyes, and regularly back it up. Nightly backups are made, and hourly backups ensure the crucial information is up to date.
In order to demonstrate our commitment to security we have undertaken to comply with the requirements of Cyber Essentials Plus, and to remain compliant using regular verification.