Free School Meals

A package designed to establish eligibility for free school meals using the Government benefits data portal

  • Automated Work-flow

    Manage your team's workload more efficiently with our automated work-flow manager.

  • Security

    Our online security system offers complete peace of mind whilst protecting and backing up all of your data and information.

  • Online Application Forms

    These can be filled in by parents, guardians and schools. The parents and schools will be informed of the outcome. They can return to their application, should the child move school or a sibling need to be added, to enter the changes.

  • Bulk application

    Schools can send a download of their SIMS pupil data to be uploaded directly to the FSM database. The parents can then be eligibility checked and their children receive a meal the same day.

  • Eligibility Checking

    Link to the Department for Education service to check eligibility. The application is automatically processed according to the result.

  • Periodical Eligibility Checking

    Applicants can be regularly checked to ensure that their entitlement is in line with their current benefit status.

  • Vouchers

    Applicant lists can be provided to contractors for the distribution of holiday time vouchers. The voucher reference can be recorded against the applicant on the FSM database for future reference.

  • Reports

    Schools and suppliers can log in and download their current list of eligible pupils. They will receive a daily email to let them know that they have new eligible pupils.

  • Training and Support

    Our team are always here to help and offer full training and support to new and existing customers.

Bright Systems Ltd